Parents Unite – April 24
Parents Unite is a parent coalition serving parents and caregivers in Southeastern San Diego. We meet the last Wednesday of every month at the Valencia Park Elementary Auditorium from 5:30-6:30 PM. Parents can RSVP by texting “Coming” to 619-736-4345. RSVPing is not mandatory, but is encouraged. Snacks and materials provided. We welcome everyone! 🙂
Join us to connect with supportive services, chat resources, learn drug trends and how to prevent substance use!
¡Acompáñenos para conĂ©ctarse con servicios de apoyo, platicar sobre recursos, aprender tendencias de drogas y cĂłmo prevenir el uso de sustancias! Envie un texto para confirmar su asistencia “asistirĂ©” al 619-736-4345. Ultimo Miercoles de Cada Mes de 5:30-6:30 PM – Valencia Park E.S – Auditorio – 5880 Skyline Dr , 92114