Community Services for Family Support
SAY family support programs strengthen the whole individual and whole family through programs that promote mental health, positive parenting, and healthy family relationships. To accomplish this, our trained staff provides counseling, case management, asset building, home visits, credit repair assistance, financial literacy, and much more. SAY also partners closely with clients whose needs are urgent with emergency food, clothing, and linkages to healthcare.
Our Family Support Programs Include:
Community Services for Families (CSF) partners with parents to promote child safety and the well-being of the entire family, and to keep children with their families.
SAY offers a vast range of assistance programs in So Cal to help veterans & active military in their times of need.
First 5 First Steps is an in-home family support program serving expectant and new parents. Services start prenatally, and continue until the child’s third birthday.
Licensed programs for preschool, elementary & middle-school ages promoting healthy, whole-child growth & development.
Proudly partnering with parents, caregivers, & resource foster parents on key child development goals, whole family well-being & parenting assistance.
Phone: 858-565-4148