Join SAY San Diego in supporting the Light Our Way campaign and its’ mission of celebrating hope, joy, and resilience of all San Diegans who are striving to make it through these uncertain times. In 2020 our partners at Advocates for Change Today, designed a three-day campaign as a way to honor graduates who were embarking on a new chapter while in the midst of a global pandemic. The campaign asks community members to engage in activities that would encourage, inspire celebrate those who need it the most. This year, the campaign is expanding its vision beyond graduates to include all San Diegans. As we are all experiencing new changes and challenges, whether that be reentering the workforce, developing social anxiety or graduating. There are still many unknowns but, together we can navigate this new normal and come out on the other side stronger!
Help show your support by wearing green, using the hashtag Light Our Way, and sharing inspiring messages of resiliency and hope!