From Nancy Gannon Hornberger, CEO
SAY San Diego kicked off summer with the 4th Annual San Diego Unity Games on June 23. What a fantastic day! More than 200 youth and community members participated, including local leaders, San Diego City Councilmember Georgette Gomez, San Diego Chief of Police David Nisleit, and San Diego County Probation Chief Adolfo Gonzales.
Youth, faith groups, community organizations, law enforcement, probation, and city and county elected officials, all partnered together to host the games and further goals of shared neighborhood solutions, positive activities for youth and families, and increased use of the Willie Henderson Park in Southeastern San Diego. We are very grateful to all who helped make the San Diego Unity Games possible!
Also this summer, Camp Move, our camp program promoting active and healthy living for school-age children, is in full swing; we get a fresh start, as July 1st marked the beginning of our new fiscal year; we are already preparing for our Back-to-School supply drive; and of course Play 4 SAY – our annual, signature fundraising event is later this month!
Summer can be a time of high need for children and families who rely on the school meals program, but do not have access to meals during the school break. SAY is happy to partner with organizations that ensure that all kids have access to healthy meals over the summer. For more information, see: