SAY San Diego Receives Legacy Grant from Las Patronas

From the La Jolla Light
By Ashley Mackin-Solomon

Legacy grant recipient SAY San Diego vice president of resource development Suzie Colby, Las Patronas member Lindsay Stevens, SAY San Diego CEO Nancy Gannon Hornberger and 2017 Jewel Ball co-chair Alison Lee

The second Legacy Grant, collected from Legacy Society members who have included the Las Patronas Endowment Fund in their planned giving, went to Social Advocates for Youth (SAY) San Diego. The $3,832 will help the organization purchase 10 laptops to assist in tax preparation services.

“A question that comes up often is why a youth organization has a tax assistance program?” said SAY San Diego CEO Nancy Gannon Hornberger. “When we see youth struggling because they do not have school supplies, their shoes don’t fit or they have a dental need that goes unattended, we ask how we can enrich them by empowering their families. For 20 years, we’ve been part of an Earned Income Tax Credit collaborative that provides tax assistance to families that are trying to make ends meet. They are working hard and that $25 or $50 extra a month could mean another bag of groceries or school supplies.

“These 10 laptops help us come into the modern era to work with more families go where people live. Last year, we reached 1,000 families, and this year, we expect to reach many hundreds more.”

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